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SDS Consultancy Services

Our Consultancy Team are ready to support you.

How We Can Help

Appraisal Service

Love it or not, accurate appraisal is vital to the success of your schemes. So when you need a helping hand or a second glance, why not use our expertise?

Land and Scheme Appraisal
We’ll ‘sense-check’ an appraisal that you’ve done to make sure it’s in line with your strategy and there’s nothing skewing the figures. Or perhaps you have a complex appraisal that’s proving to be a real challenge? No worries, we can do it for you.

​On a team level, why not book an online session where we can go through an appraisal to brush up on everyone’s viability skills?​
Send us the details

We’ll take a quick look and let you know what’s involved in getting the job done.

Appraisal Assumptions Report

This is our most popular service and helps you to optimise your scheme appraisals and remain competitive in your region.
A full review with recommendations
Have your current figures benchmarked against your peers and gain confidence in appraising your schemes for the best possible outcomes. Send us your current assumptions and we’ll provide you with a full review of what you’re using and how it’s affecting your appraisals.​

You’ll receive your report with detailed recommendations on the figures you should be applying within your region.
Board Presentation
Once you have your report, we can arrange a follow up presentation to your Board to explain our findings.

Viability Workshops

Unlock the mystery of viability and understand the key factors that impact on your appraisals. After all, it’s not always about the financials!

Bring your team up to speed
When you need anything from a basic introduction, to a refresher for your team, our workshops fit the bill. Sessions range from a half to a full day, and accommodate up to 12 attendees.
Viability Explained – book this one-day session to take your team through the ‘full works’ on development viability.
Cogs and Wheels – this half day session focuses on the key workings of viability and why it needs to be done in the first place.
Best Practice – during this half day session, we’ll demonstrate the do’s and don’ts of completing an appraisal.
New to ProVal? – book this half-day pre-ProVal workshop, which proves very useful in preparing everyone for system training.
Have a chat with us​
We’ll assess what you need to bring to turn you into a viability expert!

Sequel Bitesize Coaching

If you’re a Sequel user, have you ever sat back at some point wondering how you will ever get this clever system fully set up whilst still doing your day job?

Bitesize Sequel takes you beyond the Cashflow and through each section in easy, manageable chunks. We work with you hands-on, so that you end up with a fully configured system, just as you first intended and without a spreadsheet in sight.

Your coaching will give you:

Cashflow – checked and configured exactly as you need

Property – attributes audited, cleaned up and fully configured

People – keep track of suppliers and contractors

Workflow – pathways created with traffic light warnings​

Reporting – everything you need in one place

Once fully utilised, you get the reporting structure that you’ve always wanted at the touch of a button. All your troublesome spreadsheets are eliminated and you finally have one point of truth for your entire programme!

Meet the team

Paul Kristensen ConsultantFor a number of years, Paul worked for a company in the Financial sector, heading their IT team. ​David Shelton invited Paul to join SDS in 2006. Paul is currently the Technical Manager here at SDS, having previously managed the support and training teams. He works closely with all of our customers, both as a trainer and as a consultant.​ Paul is a TAP qualified trainer and a member of Learning & Performance Institute (LPI).
Paul Kristensen Consultant
John Stevens Lead ConsultantJohn trained as an architect and has worked in development for over 30 years with housing associations, local authorities, community groups and developers across a wide range of schemes and tenures.Mixing technical knowledge with financial evaluation John has consistently delivered innovative solutions in the affordable housing sector, including energy efficient homes and modern methods of construction. Projects have included managing multiple large-scheme sites, value-engineering of homes for flexible tenure use and re-evaluating Supported Housing schemes for redevelopment.
John Stevens Lead Consultant

ProVal Coaching

Keep your ProVal admin up to date and get some hands-on guidance on your appraisals as and when you need it. ProVal Hands-On Coaching consists of half-day sessions to go over whatever it is you need to learn to make you better ProVal users. It can cover the following and much more!​
  • Guidance on ProVal Admin tasks
  • Assistance on completing appraisals
  • Templates and folders
  • Reporting
  • Tips and tricks


How does it work?

You book the time in advance to use as required, so you get the assistance right when it counts!

Enquire now

Speak with a member of our team today.

Expert Coaching

Are you new to our software?

If you’re new to ProVal or Sequel, or perhaps have had the systems for a while but are not using them regularly, we’ll provide on-site coaching to make sure you’re getting the most out of them.

Book SDS training